Whidden Wanderings

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Jack Whyte's talk was great....

I went to the main branch of the Edmonton, Alberta public library this past Tuesday to see Jack Whyte of “Dream of Eagles” fame and hear him talk about his new book, the last of the King Arthur saga, “The Eagle.” He gave some background about the entire project for those who may have not been familiar and then read for about 30 minutes from the early part of the book when Lancelot has returned from his excursion to the north where he met Morgas and tries to remember everything from his interrogation by her to relate to Merlyn.

He then spent about 20 minutes answering questions and for those who don’t have a Scottish background, the character, Donuil’s name is merely pronounced Don-el, not my convoluted Don- u – il. He also mentioned that one of the shipboard character in the MacAthol clans name is the Scottish version of Charles or Charlies.

His new project is one down and two to go, having finished the first of the Knights Templar series a day or so earlier in Calgary. Unfortunately the publishing process means it won’t be in bookstores until next October or so. Something about taking out all the Scottish accent or something. This series will have no continuity of characters and will recount the beginning, the peak and the end of the Knights Templar. He described it as “the greatest story never told.” I’m looking forward to it already.

This web site recounts some of what Jack said at the library:


There were possibly a hundred or so other fans there to enjoy his presentation.

Well, the election is upon us and the question is “will the east support the Conservatives or are we doomed to have yet another Liberal government?” Stephen Harper had to bring up the gay marriage thing again on the first day of the campaign but at least seemed headed for a stunning second day with the promise of a 1% drop in the GST and eventual move of it from the current 7% to 5%. Now to see if he pulls a Chretien and reneges. I enjoyed the “Daily Show’s” coverage of the defeat of the Liberal government.

Just a quicky as on my way home after work and just wanted to leave a few notes.

Cheers, Ray


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