Whidden Wanderings

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

a poem


By David Johns

I am a shoe:
a comfortable fit with many
far less so with most

I am a book:
open to everyone
unread by most

I am a fusion: love and hate
discernible to some
opaque to most

I am imperfect:
Can not walk on water
but I give it my all
far more than most

reprinted here in case it disappears from there

November 13, 2003

I opened up a forgotten file this morning, in the middle of a "gotta-clean-up-these-files-before-anyone-sees-them" fit, and I came across a poem written by my grandson David, five years ago. Guess what? It was--and it remains--really good... considering that the kid was thirteen years old at the time and had barely become cognizant of the fact that he had an aged relative who wrote for a living... Anyway, here's the edited version of the poem. It's called "Most", and as I said, it was written five years ago by a thirteen-year-old:

Jack Whyte


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