Whidden Wanderings

Monday, July 18, 2011

finally made the leap ...

... to getting TV, internet & phone from the local provider. TV includes digital and HD including PPV and VOD - tried them a couple of times but find them too expensive. Internet is the extreme version so plenty fast. With the phone just got the standard options. Got the 1 GB PVR as well. The TV is a Sony 32" w/1080p resolution, which most say doesn't make much difference on a 32" display. I also got a Sony Blu-ray player and still have the Toshiba VCR.

In addition to a new computer, Dell PIV 3.2 GHz, 3 GB RAM and 80 GB HDD with 500 GB and 1.0 TB external HDD to which I added a 23" Viewsonic 1080p monitor and ATI Radeon video card. Running Windows XP Professional w/SP3. I'm loving not having to go to local cyber cafes for my internet fix. I subscribed to Ancestry.com so can update my genealogy, which now is online in Salt Lake City on a server run by Paul's son.

I'm updating my local database.

In addition to all the computer upgrades, Bell had a $0.00 offer on the Palm Pre mid-2010 so got it and a few months later they dropped the monthly plan from $50.00/mon. to $35.00/mon. It would have been nice to save the extra $15.00/mon. Oh well. Loving the Pre and especially having Synergy update my Google appointments and address book from changes/additions made on the Pre.

In July 2011 considering buying the HP TouchPad tablet as seems to do all the things I want and reports say the Flash Player works fine.

With the results from the DNA family finder test, John Gammell in Ontario shows up as one of the matches, confirming that a Whidden/Graham descendent is the source of the line which they traced. Most other matches don't have any significant genealogy to match with but there are several Finnish connections now.